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Ladin identity

In 1870 priests from Val Badia, Anpezo and Fodom founded the first association for the preservation of the Ladin language and culture: "Naziun Ladina". From here on there was an ever increasing interest in Ladin culture and language. Philologists and linguists began to publish studies of the Ladin language and Ladin history. More associations were founded and cultural events were organised. This was the beginning of Ladin consciousness and identity.

In 1946 the "Union di Ladins de Gherdëina" was officially founded, in 1948 the "Uniun di Ladins dla Val Badia " followed. In 1951 the two organisations became the "Union di Ladins dla Dolomites". The "Union di Ladins de Fascia" was founded in 1955. In 1957 "Union di Ladins dla Dolomites" moved its official headquarters from Bolzano to "Cësa di Ladins" in Urtijëi and was known from then on as "Union Generela di Ladins dla Dolomites". The "Museum de Gherdëina" (1954) is also in "the Ladins house".